
Novel excerpt

By In Read

Fleeing the breakdown of civilization, a jaded photographer and his young assistant get stuck on the edge of the great Sahara while the world around them goes up in flames. Set in the not so distant future, “Sand” is a novel about the end of a life and the end of the world, about love and loss, and about what can be saved and what cannot near and at the end of it all.

My fiction is represented by Annette Crossland of A for Authors in the UK. If you are a publisher wishing to find out more about this work, please contact Annette at

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I am pleased to have my fiction represented by Annette Crossland of A for Authors in the UK. Any and all enquiries regarding my fiction should be directed to her at:

When it comes to film things, if you are interested in reading full manuscripts or treatments or to discuss something else entirely, use the contact form to the right.